What customers say about HIKEBEAM

Here you have some impressions from people who have tested Hikebeam.

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I´ve tried out Hikebeam from Beltlamp AS. The lamp has a lot of advantages over everything else I´ve seen and used. The 3-D effect is awesome, with the shadow effects in the terrain, plus the fact that the immidiate vicinity is lit up at the same time that the beam extends far ahead. It´s great that it has an internal battery for short walks and that for longer walks you can connect an external battery. This will allow you to use the lamp at full strength for more than six hours. Hikebeam gives you incredible illumination, without any discomfort from having something tight around the your head. You can also use a cap or a hood, just as you please. Not only that, but you wont´t be bothered by fog, your own breath, or anything hindering your field of vision. It´s such an improvement over your regular trip lamp. Everyone can compare and tell the difference by holding a lamp at head level and then change to the waist level. Funny that this not long time ago has come on the market. 


66, Norway

Hikebeam is awesome! Such a pleasure to use! What a huge difference the 3D effect makes, and without any disruption in front of the eyes. A real pleasure to wear!


25, Norway

What an enormous improvement for anyone who spends time outdoors and needs to use a lamp! Also good lighting in tent or a cabin.


28, Norway

The coolest lamp in Norway – in fact, in the whole world!


40, Norway

Awesome lighting! Opens up a whole new world for an active life outdoors at night.


32, Norway

One clear, dark evening I was invited on a hike with this new lamp. We traipsed through wooded areas without the glare of street lights. What a satisfying experience it was, without the bother of headlamps! With the lamp placed firmly around the waist, I could experience the woods in a new way. We could see clearly where to step. I particularly liked the fact that the lamp didn´t blind anyone. It gave off a gentle, pleasing light that spread far and wide. When there were two of us, we could talk together and look at each other without causing trouble for the other. In an easy way you can adjust and adapt the lighting to the terrain. Thumbs up! Here we could walk safely, experience the great outdoors, all while looking up at clear, star-lit sky. This product is suitable for people of all ages. No more headbands to worry about, and no more need to move a narrow beam of light around with your head and blinding others. I can see this lamp having a broad appeal: hikers, cottagers and orientation runners. It will be a great help in search and rescue missions, too. I´m absolutely sure I will buy this product as soon as possible and I will recommend it to others


49, Norway

The 3D effect! It is unbelieveable that such a great improvement is coming to market for everyone who is active when it´s dark. Why did this not come years ago?


63, Norway

Fantastic! Just fantastic!


36, India

I have never tried or seen such a good lamp before! Loads of great advantages! 


28, India

I´ve been lucky to be able to try out Hikebeam. Easy to attach to the belt, illuminates incredibly well from the feet onwards. Not only that, but you don´t have the problem with insects buzzing around your head. This is the product that hikers, joggers and rescue crews have been waiting for!


58, Norway

Unbelieveable beyond words! 


52, Norway

An incredible lamp!
I`m never going back to using a headlamp! I never would have thought it! 


34, Norway

I´m thankful that I got to test Hikebeam on a hike!
My impression is that this lamp is a real innovation for outdoor folks, and it has two clear-cut adavantages over a headlamp: It provides good close-up illumination as well as lighting up the terrain ahead and to the sides. This is very important in rough terrain, especially when running or walking quickly. Light from waist level provides so much better illumination, also when skiing or walking in snowy wheather, or when the weather is foggy or rainy.


72, Norway

I have testet Hikebeam, and it is a very good lamp for skiing, and any use especially in rain, snow, mist and fog. Then you avoid the disturbances because of reflections from particles in front of the eyes. I can shelter my head well in snow and wind. That is difficult with a headlamp. You have bright, continous light in the area ahead of you. Fit well for the breastbelt on my sack, and under normal conditions it also brings you good lighting. 


62, Norway

Huge wow factor! I never thought it was possible to get such good illumination for hiking. And so light and compact! Hikebeam is so useful in so many ways! Wow! 


24, Norway

For me, who am a little afraid of the dark and feel headlamps don´t illuminate my surroundings well enough, it was an awesome experience to walk at night with Hikebeam. It made everything appear so bright and clear. I could see every little twig on the ground, both close up and far away. Having played handball earlier, I know how important it is to be able to see well at ground level so as to avoid missteps. But the coolest thing was that I was able to have conversation with my fellow hikers without blinding any of them with a headlamp, and they did not blind me either. I highly recommend this lamp!


45, Norway

I didn´t know whether I could believe what I had read and heard, but it´s actually true: Hikebeam is fantastic! The difference is practicaly indescribable in foggy weather, or in situations where headlamps cause disruptions. Everything about it is just so good! What an awesome, useful invention!


32, Norway